Principles of Good Corporate Governance


The implementation of Good Corporate Governance (GCG) within the Company has become a necessity in order to maintain transparency and accountability in the management of the Company to the public. The Company believes that the implementation of GCG within the Company will direct and control the Company so that it is in accordance with the expectations of stakeholders, in line with applicable laws and regulations, and in compliance with universally applicable business ethical norms.

GCG principles consisting of 5 (five) principles covering Transparency, Accountability, Responsibility, Independence and Fairness are implemented in every business activity of the Company as well as implementation of duties and responsibilities of each organ of Corporate Governance.

TRANSPARENCY The Decision-making process during the GMS is carried out by open voting which prioritizes the independency and interests of shareholders.
The decision-making process of Board of Commissioners that functions to supervise and provide advice to the Board of Directors has been carried out at the Board of Commissioners meeting.
The decision-making process of Board of Directors that functions to manage the Company is carried out through the mechanism of Board of Directors meeting.
Disclosure of information regarding the Company is presented on the Company’s website in an accurate and timely manner.
ACCOUNTABILITY The Company has Board of Directors Manual that regulates duties and authorities of the Board of Directors.
Organization structure, job description for each job title and assessment of key performance indicators for Board of Directors, Head of Division and each employee.
The Company has given rewards to employees who have made achievements, and sanctions/punishment to employees who commit violations.
RESPONSIBILITY The Company has contributed to stakeholders through Sustainability and Social Responsibility programs.
The Company has implemented policies and regulations that are in accordance with the laws and regulations.
INDEPENDENCY Each organ of the Company, the Board of Commissioners, and the Board of Directors have carried out their respective roles without any intervention and pressure from other party.
The authority of Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors encourages the professional and independent management of the Company.
FAIRNESS The Company has provided opportunities to all employees equally without discrimination in accordance with Company’s Regulations.