Jakarta, 8 June 2022 – PT Impack Pratama Industri Tbk. held the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (“AGMS”) for fiscal year 2021 today, which was followed by the Annual Public Expose.
In AGMS, the shareholders approved the entire agenda and received the Company’s Annual Report, and approved of the Company’s Net Profit for the financial year ending on December 31, 2021, amounting to Rp210,038,447,571, – distributed as cash dividends to all shareholders amounting to Rp106,337,000,000,- so that each share will receive a cash dividend of Rp22,-, with a payout ratio of 50.6%.
The Company has implemented targeted strategies and policies, including carrying out various programs and aggressive marketing campaign activities in order to increase the engagement of agents and distributors to achieve the set targets. As a result, the Company managed to achieve a strong financial performance with a Net Profit of Rp210 billion, a 67.9% growth from the previous year and succeeded in reducing debt and overall cost of funds.
In addition to the ratification of the 2021 financial statements and the determination of the use of profits, the Company also changed the composition of the members of the Board of Directors and the Board of Commissioners with the new composition as follows:
Board of Directors:
President Director : Mr. Haryanto Tjiptodihardjo
Director : Mr. David Herman Liasdanu
Director : Mr. Janto Salim
Director : Ms. Lisan
Director : Mr. Sugiarto Romeli
Director : Mr. Wira Yuwana
Director : Mr. Phillip Tjipto
Board of Commissioners:
President Commissioner : Mr. Handojo Tjiptodihardjo
Independent Commissioner : Mr. Kelvin Choon Jhen Lee
Commissioner : Ms. Lindawati
Public Expose

Company Strategy and Challenges
In 2022, demand from the retail sector is stable, while demand from the project sector is recovering. The Company is still facing several challenges including the Eid homecoming which has an impact on the Company’s business along with the decrease in the number of working days, as well as the surge in raw material prices which can affect the Company’s margins.
In order to achieve the predetermined targets, the Company has implemented 4 main strategies, namely establishing a uPVC ceiling factory targeting Q3 2022, building a third FRP factory in Melbourne targeting Q1 2023, opening Alderon production units in other ASEAN countries targeted to start in 2023, and realizing digitizing the Company’s distribution channels to retail customers through the Customer Relationship Management program target 2023.
The company also increased the IRIC budget from Rp2.3 billion in 2021 to Rp20 billion in 2022 to 2024. The budget will be used to support innovation, diversification, and research optimization on new products that are environmentally friendly by utilizing industrial waste and waste. post consumption. In addition, the Company also reserves about Rp180 billions of Capex which will be allocated for land and buildings, machinery, vehicles, office equipment and factory equipment.
ESG Program
In relation to the Company’s ESG program, the Company always strives to realize its commitment to implementing ESG by applying the principle of balance between sustainable business development and a strong balance sheet. As a commitment to the ESG program, the Company has finished installing solar panels on the roof of the Unit 1 Cikarang factory and the Surabaya Distribution Center, and is currently in the process of installing it at the Unit 2 Cikarang factory. Once installed, it will reduce the estimated CO2 emissions by 4,783 tons/year and save an estimated electricity cost of Rp1.1 billion/year.